Pilot Diverts International Flight To Save Dog

Pilot diverts international flight to save dog

If you are one of those who travel with their pets wherever you go, this story will delight you. Real life heroes do exist, and each day we are surprised by the incredible actions of people and animals who act in a disinterested way for the well-being of others. Such is the case that we will tell in this article: pilot detours international flight to save dog.

The case occurred during a flight between Tel Aviv and Toronto, on an Air Canada flight. Before starting takeoff, all control checks were carried out on the plane. However, no faults were found and the passengers began the journey.

However, what nobody realized is that on this flight was a small seven-year-old French Bulldog called Simba, which was transported in the cargo compartment, in accordance with the recommendations of the airport regulations.

Simba’s owner, German Kontorovich, is an animal lover and has a very strong relationship with his little French Bulldog.  What’s more, in an interview with CNN, he said that the dog was virtually his son, and that it meant everything to him.

French bulldog

The flight was going smoothly when the plane entered the Atlantic, but a few minutes after entering that area, the pilot realized that the heating was not working.

Despite this slight malfunction in the heating system, this did not pose a risk to the safety of the flight, nor would it cause any discomfort to passengers.

A very different situation would present itself in the cargo cabin, as the temperature in this area of ​​the plane would drop below the freezing level, between -40° and -60°, which would lead the dog, which was in the compartment, to death by freezing.

a heroic decision

The pilot realized that the heating was faulty. Also, he knew the dog was in the cargo area of ​​the plane.

As the pilot had experience driving in that region, he knew that the temperature could drop a lot in the zone, so he made a decision that few would make.

He reported that the plane had a mechanical failure, changed the flight itinerary and landed the plane at Frankfurt airport, Germany, where the dog had his health checked and luckily he was well, owing his life to the quick decision of this new hero.

During this stop, a second check was made on the plane, to make sure there were no other inconveniences, and after two hours, the plane took off again. No passenger complained, even though the reason for the unexpected stop was to save the dog from a frostbite.

It should be clarified that on this occasion Simba had to wait to be transported on another plane, one in which his safety was guaranteed.


Author: MickiTakesPictures

Repercussions on the case of the pilot who diverted an international flight to save a dog

A situation that many have pointed out as an injustice is the investigation being carried out against the pilot, which is why his identity was not revealed, as this unexpected stop cost Air Canada close to $10,000 in landing rights and extra fuel.

When the pilot was asked about his performance, he limited himself to saying “I am responsible for all lives on the plane, both human and non-human.”

This is a good example of what people can do beyond simple duty. Some people don’t think twice to try a little harder and protect those in need, and especially when the decision is in their hands.

Image credits: Satorre GONZALEZ.

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