Small Dogs But With Great Personality

Small dogs but with great personality

They say that looks can be deceiving, in the case of our dog friends this is even more true when referring to their size. We’ve seen dogs with huge proportions, such as the largest in the world, the Great Dane, which has a noble, friendly and calm personality.

On the other hand, we find the Schnauzer, which is medium in size, however, despite its sweet and furry appearance, it has a skittish and independent personality.

Thus, we can dare to say that small dogs are the ones with the most personality. 

Dogs with lots of personality and small size


We made a list of the smallest dogs and with the most personality that you know:

Australian Silky Terrier

From the terrier family, this puppy is known for his bark effort and indifference to those he doesn’t know. It will not be a friendly dog ​​to strangers, but very affectionate in its familiar environment.

bichon frise

If something characterizes this furry well, it is precisely that: its fur. His story had extremes, as he started as a noble dog to become almost abandoned, which possibly contributed to his suspicious personality. Also, as with the Australian terrier, his family will always come first, so you can expect 100% of this breed at home, but don’t expect him to behave well with strangers.


It is likely that when reading the name of this breed you thought of a beautiful animal with white fur (although there are other colors) and curly, which is what characterizes them. It is one of the small dogs with the worst personality known when dealing with strangers, of course.

This is due to his overprotective spirit, which will make him defend his family even when he is not in danger, so seeing a stranger around his loved ones does not please him and he tends to respond aggressively.

Chihuahua, a small dog full of attitude

Its bulging eyes and its dwarf size make it a very peculiar puppy. However, most of them must be taught to socialize from a young age or they will respond negatively to strangers. At home they will feel like kings and, although they love their owners unconditionally, do not meddle in their territory.


This is one of the small dogs that appeared in Germany several centuries ago. They are also known more commonly as dog sausage. They are intelligent and inquisitive, possibly because of the work they did looking for burrows.

They have a strong personality and that’s why they need a pack leader who sets the limits and shows them where they belong. If this is not done or if it is not done correctly, the animal can become aggressive with strangers and even, in many cases, with its own owners.

jack russell terrier


Originally from England, this small breed of dog also has a lot of personality. They say that if you give them a finger, they’ll want the whole arm, letting your intelligence show through. They have great and strong hunting instincts, much more than other dogs, so good training is essential to avoid problems such as biting other people or other dogs, and even killing small animals such as birds.

Therefore, this dog is only recommended for those people who have time and can educate and train it, or for those who can pay a professional to train it.


They are very active and playful dogs, but very suspicious. Although they love to play, they won’t play with just anyone, so strangers he will look at from afar to first detect if they please him or not.

This is a list that, as we told you at the beginning, has generalizations, as we understand that not all dogs of each of these breeds have this type of personality. Often everything depends on good socialization when they are puppies, so that they grow up as loving dogs with other people and also with other animals.

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