Strange Behaviors In Cats

Strange behaviors in cats

Nobody can deny that kittens are the most extraordinary beings on the planet. They dazzle us every day with their vitality, curiosity and ability to be so independent. As cat fans,  in this article, we want to talk about some of the strange feline behaviors. You will be surprised!

Strange behaviors in cats: a box of surprises!

We will never cease to be amazed by cats … Their strange behaviors sometimes leave us stunned. Something that doesn’t make sense for us, for them it’s the most normal thing in the world. Of course, we must keep in mind that this is a very intelligent species and therefore its ways of acting have an explanation:

Cat sharpening nails on a scraper

1. Scrub

We get home or are sitting on the couch when all of a sudden our cat comes and starts rubbing itself against our legs. Why do they do this? Well, because they are so happy! Cats have very powerful olfactory glands in their faces and therefore  when they run their nose over some object or person they are, on the one hand, leaving their scent and, on the other hand, absorbing the scent of the other.

If you see him rubbing himself against a toy, furniture, or his bed, it’s a sign that he’s marking territory. It’s a way of saying “this is mine” as if you were putting on a security seal or banner.

2. Sleeping in the sink

Why do cats love being in the bathroom? Surely, if you leave the door to this area of ​​the house open, you’ll find it there like a little ball in the sink. As he doesn’t like the water so much, the explanation goes the other way. In fact,  when he’s in a small place (where he just walks in), he feels safer and more secure. Therefore, he can also choose to sleep in a shoebox, a drawer, the clothes basket, or any other place of minimum size.

And since we talked about strange behavior in the bathroom… Let’s know  why they drink toilet water ! This is also the case for some dogs. The reason is very simple: they don’t see this place as something designed to evacuate our needs, but as a source of water (like any other container). Also, the water there is usually cooler than that of his own drinker.

3. “Treacherous” bites

When we are playing with our cat, everything is fine, until suddenly, for no apparent reason, it bites us. Cats have a great ability to regulate their emotions, and if something bothers them or they’re in the mood to “break up,” they react that way. Sudden bites, of course, don’t hurt (in most cases) because they’re a “stop” sign, because he’s not having fun.

4. Jump and run like crazy

If you have a cat at home, you’ve probably noticed how, out of nowhere, it starts jumping and running around the house, climbing furniture, dropping objects, going down stairs, etc. Above all, these strange behaviors in cats happen at night. It’s not that he’s gone mad or been possessed by an evil spirit, but it’s a way to burn off the energies he couldn’t eliminate during the day. To avoid this, try to get him to exercise in some way before bed.

cat jumping on a man

5. Tail contraction

The speed and movements that the cat makes with its tail are related to its moods. If she moves slowly, it’s because he’s relaxed and having fun; if you go back and forth and hit the ground with the tip, it could mean that you are angry, nervous, or distressed. Pay close attention to the tail’s movements to know what happens to it. To complete the “exam”, analyze the position of his ears and how much his eyes are closed or open.

6. Knead

It’s not that he’s a handful of bakers or anything like that. This behavior reminds you of your first days of life. When he “crumples” something, he remembers the moment when he sucked his mother’s milk. It is usually more common in affectionate cats and dogs.

Main image source: C * A (t)

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