The 5 Most Common Causes Of Dog Hair Loss

The 5 Most Common Causes of Dog Hair Loss

One of the most common aesthetic fears we see in people is the risk of running out of hair or balding, as the hair loss is popularly known. Alopecia is a problem that is increasingly reaches the men as well as women. It is not merely a matter of aesthetics, in many occasions it can be behind some disorder of greater or lesser severity.  As we already know, our pets have many things in common with people, and one of them is that they also suffer from this affliction. Therefore, in this article let’s go show you the 5 most common causes of dog hair loss.

Top 5 Reasons for Dog Hair Loss

Next we’ll look at the five most important causes that can cause hair loss in dogs.

1. Calluses or ulcers

perda de pelo no cachorro

What are commonly known as corns are actually  useful. decubitus ulcers, those that are produced by pressure on the skin that prevents blood from reaching certain areas. When not enough flux the blood to the skin can die, WHA and causes ulcers to form. 

In dogs, this is common in the area of ​​the elbows and other points that may remain on the floor for a long time. These ulcers can bleed and are very painful for the animal. 

THE constant friction produced at this place on the body will eventually cause hair loss. . This problem is most often found in large, heavy or elderly dogs.

2. Cushing’s syndrome causes dog hair loss

THE Cushing’s syndrome , also known as hyperadrenocorticism , happens when the body produces too much cortisone . This usually happens due to the appearance of a small tumor in the hypophysis .

Among the symptoms of this disease, we can identify that the dog will pee more and drink more water, increasing appetite, skin stays thinner, inflamed abdomen, prostration , the animal is also  panting and has muscle weakness.

Of course, the loss of hair on the dog is also a concern. Animals that have been treated with cortisone for a long period of time can also suffer from this syndrome.

3. Genetics can lead to dog hair loss

as with humans , there are dogs that are genetically predisposed to lose more to others within the same breed. . Yet, there are also breeds that have a greater tendency to suffer this problem of canine alopecia, such as the Doberman Pinscher , the Techel , the Chihuahua , or the Whippet .

THE lack of hair can be found on many parts of the body, such as the back, the back, the thigh, the lower part of the neck or the ears.

4. Parasitic infections cause dog hair loss

As infecções parasitárias causam perda de pelo no cachorro

on certain occasions,  infections produced by parasites they are unavoidable, although in other cases they are due to lack of care. It is necessary to prevent properly to prevent lice, fleas, or the ticks arrive even our pet. We also have to fight scabies.

All of this can cause hair loss on the  dog.   So we must adopt  every precaution to prevent our pet from having any of these problems which are very inconvenient for our  faithful friend.

5. Allergies

Although we’ve left it to the last point, it’s not a minor cause. In fact, it is one of the most common and, in addition, it causes great suffering to the animal.  We must take into account that hair loss in dogs is one of the main symptoms of dog allergies, what will give us the clue to take other type of measures, targeted always by an animal health professional.

The causes who are behind of this problem are similar to those that cause allergies no the people oas: the pollen , you mites , the mold, the food or even the fleas and ticks Besides the hair loss, which will end up causing the animal to have small or large hair breaks, we will see that it is common for it to bite or scrape itself in an attempt to calm the itching.

Like we see, the The causes of hair loss in dogs are very diverse, but who can best determine your origin and also determine the proper treatment is yours. vet . If you notice that the anim al has less lately, have no doubt and take it to the veterinarian immediately.

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