The 5 Smallest Primates

Not only do they stand out for their small size, but for the originality in the shapes and colors of their coats; some are about eight inches tall.
The 5 smallest primates

On one side are the great apes, such as the gorilla or the orangutan, and on the other, the smaller primates that also belong to the same family. They were not endowed with impressive height, but with a lot of personality. Would you like to know what they are? So keep reading this article.

What are the smallest primates?

Within the large family of primates – where humans are also – there are species of different sizes, weights and habits.

Although the chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan are better known, there are others that are very small and at the same time cute.

Would you like to meet them?

  1. pygmy marmoset

One of the smallest primates is also known as ‘pocket monkey’ or red-skinned – the photo that opens this article –  is the smallest species of primate that is known. 

It lives in the rainforests and tropical jungles of central and northern South America, specifically in those places close to the watercourses of the  Amazon.

It measures no more than 18 centimeters in height  and its tail is not prehensile like many of its relatives.

The pygmy marmoset’s coat is fine but dense, and the colors range from gray to brown or yellow to black.

It is omnivorous (it feeds on fruits and insects on trees and absorbs the sap and gum from the trunks),  living in groups of up to eight individuals – the family is led by a couple of adults, subjects and infants  – they are usually more awake in the morning and before sunset.

  1. common marmoset

Its scientific name is  Callithrix jacchus, but everyone knows it as “marmoset” and it is another of the smallest primates that exist.

It is an endemic species of the Brazilian forest that measures between 18 and 25 centimeters in length and its tail can be longer than its body : up to 35 centimeters.

In addition, it has a gray and black coat like ‘hair’ and both the forehead and the jaw are covered with white hair.

common marmoset

This species forms groups of up to 20 individuals – which are very territorial – and, unlike others in their family, they form monogamous couples.

In addition, the female can breed up to twice a year and with litters of up to three offspring.

  1. Golden Lion tamarin

The golden lion tamarin is another of the smallest primate species in the world and lives in Brazil, specifically in the southwest of Rio de Janeiro.

Most specimens are in reserve and the rest – about 500 individuals – are in captivity.

Golden Lion tamarin

It is the size of a  squirrel : it measures between 34 and 40 centimeters and its tail is the same size.

It owes its name of ‘lion’ to the mane that grows on the side of the face  – which has no hair – and ‘golden’, due to the fact that the fur is of a very striking yellow and orange tone.

This tamarin feeds on fruits, frogs, flowers, lizards, insects, nectar and molluscs.

Furthermore, it is monogamous, forms territorial groups of up to 14 individuals with a dominant couple and,  although the females take care of the offspring at birth, the males help her in this task.

  1. Tarsio- spectrum

Within Tarsio’s family  , all its members are small.

The ‘spectrum’ measures no more than 26 centimeters and its prehensile tail is very long.

It has nocturnal habits, lives in small groups of up to six individuals, and can be  monogamous  and polygamous.


The tarsi-spectrum inhabits forests, mangroves, forest gardens and any tropical place with lots of trees, as it rarely descends to the ground.

In addition, it feeds on insects, rodents and small reptiles and  is the mammal with the largest eyes in relation to its size.

  1. Crested Capuchin Monkey

The family of ‘monkeys’ is one of the most extensive among primates and, in the case of the crested capuchin monkey, is among the smallest.

It lives in the jungles of Indonesia and is in critical danger of extinction.

Crested Capuchin Monkey

It measures at most 50 centimeters and is completely black. It has long hair like a ‘comb’ and has a very long muzzle.

In addition, it is diurnal and feeds mainly on fruits.

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