The TTouch Technique To Reduce Stress On Your Pet

The TTouch technique to reduce stress on your pet

This technique known as TTouch tries to obtain, through love and care, the elimination of stress and possible anxiety from the animal.  An excellent method to improve your pet’s life.

The person who invented the method is named Linda Tellington-Jones, who tried to get animals to relax through body language and contact. That way we can eliminate phobias and fears that our pet may have. It is necessary to be in a relaxed, peaceful environment, including background music for the animal to release its stress.

Noise, joint problems and anxiety

running dog

Dogs have a real terror of loud noises, such as fireworks, firecrackers, rockets, etc., because their hearing ability is very precise and very sensitive. To alleviate the effects of anxiety in our pets, this method consists of putting pressure on various parts of their body in order to activate the nervous system and calm it down.

Also, it is very useful to blindfold the animal’s body. Blindfolds put pressure on the nervous system and provide a relaxing effect on the animal, calming its anxiety, and helping its physical and mental balance.

The best way to put on these blindfolds is to cross them around the chest and around the back, and also on the hind legs. The reaction of animals when feeling the blindfold can be varied, from a feeling of calm to nervousness, discomfort and unforeseen effects. You can stand still without moving, scared, lying down, etc.

In this case, we must pay special attention to the way we put the blindfolds on, as it may be that the animal is pinched or that it has a special sensitivity in its back and legs and it is not convenient to put on the blindfold. If we look at this, it’s better to remove it.

TTouch Typology

There are several types of TTouch that we know and we present below:

  • The circular consists of making circles, one by one, on the animal’s back, exerting pressure with the fingers to activate circulation;  in this way, our animal will reduce its stress. As we lay our hands on it, we say endearing words to provide an atmosphere of confidence and relaxation.
    • Another type of TTouch is the sliding on the dog’s back, in the form of a caress, sliding our fingers in a way that he feels the sensation of well-being, and manages to relax his muscles.
    • The TTouch Python offers a tranquil environment where the animal’s breathing will be slow, paused, deep and quiet. It is important that our dog or any other pet knows that we are also calm, if it detects that its owner is nervous, the relaxing effect will not be achieved.
    • Another TTouch technique is the circuit and the track. The aim is to get the animal to focus; especially for pets with a tendency to forget. It consists of doing exercises and movements on a track, different and different improvised movements, including a walk like a maze; in this way, we will be able to fix your attention and obedience.

    Physical and psychological benefits

    affection in dog

    Ttouch is performed on specific parts of the body, such as the ears, for example. When we rub in a circle over its ears, we will notice that the animal is calmer, and will even slightly close its eyes with a pleasant feeling of well-being.

    In animals with digestion problems, a light massage over their stomach area will improve their problems. To optimize your movements, we will massage your paws with our hands.

    The TTouch method also provides technical guidance for stubborn, disobedient, shy dogs , animals that won’t accept discipline no matter how hard we try due to their hostile character. In this case, this technique consists of blindfolding the animal and having a contact stick beside it. With very gentle touches on the animal, it ends up obeying.

    We will see the advantages of this method, for example, when we go out with our animal. We will observe that his obedience level will have increased, and he will obey our orders much more easily.

    Many professionals in the animal world use this method, veterinarians, trainers, caregivers, canine nurses, etc. In many cases, these animals arrive very nervous at dog clinics, or have pain or anxiety, etc. The effects of the TTouch method are positive, as they provide a lot of serenity for our pets.

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