Why Does My Dog ​​snore?

There are many diseases similar to ours that dogs can suffer. In addition, they may have anomalies that we have. For example, many are concerned about our pets’ snores. But as in our case, when a dog snores, it does it for a reason.

Not all pets snore, so it is not something that originates from the species, but rather that accompanies the dog individually. If your dog snores and you want to know why and what to do about it, we’ll help you answer these questions.

Reasons why your dog snores

Author: wombatarama

The causes of snoring in dogs can be varied. In fact, there are dogs more prone to this than others. For example, pets with flat snouts snore a lot, due to their anatomy and peculiar nasal system.

flat dogs snore

Since its muzzle bones are shorter and narrower than normal, the air has less room to reach the lungs and keeps hitting the muzzle walls. This causes a snoring noise and often forces the animal to breathe through its mouth.

Although they cannot breathe through their mouths, the simple noise their muzzle makes already sounds like snores, and they are often reproduced, not just when they sleep.

When the dog snores and does not have a flattened snout

The dog recognizes new worlds through his sense of smell. This causes, while investigating the world around him, millions of tiny particles enter his muzzle, obstructing it.

The ideal is to make an appointment with the veterinarian, who will be able to clear it and allow your dog to stop snoring.

Diseases, another reason the dog snores

There are anomalies that can cause our dog to snore. For example, an excess of mucus. This causes a blockage and narrowing of the channel through which air must reach the lungs.

However, snoring can also be a warning of a more serious illness, such as infections in the airways or throat, or even tumors in the muzzle.

what to do if my dog ​​snores

Sometimes it can also happen that the dog has an awkward posture that makes it difficult for him to breathe well. If your dog doesn’t normally snore and you hear him snoring, try shifting him gently so you don’t wake him up. If snoring persists, you will have to take other measures.

As we told you at the beginning, pets shouldn’t snore. It’s true that the noise that flat-nosed dogs make is innate to them, so it’s not possible to solve this problem. But, in the case of the others, if the dog snores, there is a problem behind it, which must be solved.

What is the solution? It’s easy, you need to take him to the vet. He is the only one able to diagnose the reasons why a dog snores. Furthermore, it is the person who knows the best solution for this.

So while it may seem funny to us to see a dog snore, we must remember that this is anything but normal. So, we cannot wait and we must treat him as soon as possible.

The saying goes that prevention is better than cure, and a dog’s body was made in a unique way, like ours. Therefore, anything strange that did not happen before can be a sign that something is not working as it should and the best thing is to act quickly and deliver our animal to the care of a professional.

We hope this article has helped you, and that by following the advice, your dog will stop snoring. Sweet Dreams!

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